The “forest” railway CFF Viseu de Sus, well-known as the "Wassertalbahn", is a private, company railway, no public train. Its purpose is the transportation of wood and the carriage of forestry workers to their work places in Wassertal. "Non-company persons" are also given the opportunity to travel by it.There is a regular passenger train, driven by a steam locomotive, for the numerous visitors. Visitor groups charter for themselves their own special steam trains.The train-tourism is organised by Ecotours S.R.L. by order of the owner of the railway, the R.G.Holz Company S.R.L.
The "Wassertalbahn" drives daily and all year round, except on Sundays and public holidays, but without timetable.In general one to two trains leave the company area in Viseu de Sus in the early morning with empty wood-trucks and return in the evening, heavy-loaded with uncut timber.These "production trains", which are mainly driven by diesel locomotives, have a passenger car for the forestry workers-if necessary. Travelling by this train is possible in principle, but there is no claim of transport for common passengers. Therefore, Ecotours S.R.L. has introduced special trains, which are driven by steam-locomotives, for tourists and train enthusiasts (see "Trains for tourists" and "Groups").
Train regulations
Rules for travelling by the “forest” railway Viseu de Sus for non-company persons:
Passengers need a valid ticket, which can be bought at the “forest” railway station.
Travelling by the trains of CFF Viseu de Sus takes place at every passengers own risk; the company R.G.Holz doesn’t assume any responsibility at all.
Passengers must obey the orders of the guard; if necessary, he has the right to refuse the continuation of the journey.
Passengers are only allowed to travel by the special passenger trains; staying on platforms, wood-trucks and so on is forbidden.
Jumping on and off the train during the journey is strictly forbidden.
At the stations staying in areas of loading and forestry work is forbidden.
Departure times, routes and stops of the trains are subject to needs of forestry only and can hence be changed at short notice. Visitors have no right to transportation certain times.
The Vaser Valley is a frontier area; therefore always have your passport or your identity card with you.
Trains for tourists
Who wants to visit the “forest” railway of Viseu de Sus, wants to go to "Wassertal" by a train, driven by steam.
The old steam machines,however, are only seldom in use and today, diesel-locomotives dominate. But for the pleasure of train-enthusiasts and tourists a train with steam locomotive operates daily from about mid May to September. It is a tourist and passenger train with a look-out car in the summer holidays.Steam-driven tourist train Departure: 8:30 am at the station (Ecotours-bureau) Viseu de Sus Route: Viseu-Faina-Viseu OR Viseu-Poiana Novat-Viseu Return Viseu de Sus: in the eveningSeason: Daily, except on Sundays and on public holidays from about mid May to September (without guarantee!)
Price: Return ticket € 8.-, reduction for teenagers; children under the age of 8 free (Wochenkarte für beliebige Fahrten während sieben Tagen Euro 25.-)Important: Bookings for groups of more than 10 persons are essential.Several times a year special "Level steam weeks" are offered in co-operation with the organization "Help for the Wassertalbahn", where steam locomotives are used instead of diesel locomotives. These "special weeks for railroad friends" are announced on www.wassertalbahn.ch and on the homepage of Ecotours S.R.L.
Organized visitor groups can rent their own special steam train on the “forest” railway. Composition of the train, date, departure time, route and (photo-) stops can be freely chosen! There is an especially lovingly renovated "traditional train", which consists of original wooden-passenger trains with open platforms. If requested, the train is catered for and/or on the way, a Picnic/Barbecue outside can be organized.An unforgettable experience and a great change on every tour of Romania! Please contact us (order form) or ask for a non-binding offer.
More information on Ecotours.Ro and ViseudeSus.Ro
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